Cómo iniciar su propio negocio de pintura de direcciones en la acera
Si está interesado en leer acerca de cómo me topé con el negocio de la pintura de aceras cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria, consulte la primera parte de este artículo aquí . Esa experiencia dio forma a la guía completa que aparece a continuación.
Trate esta guía como un plan de negocios.
Si lo sigue, debería poder recuperar sus inversiones y ganar un buen salario por hora.
Sin experiencia, pude lanzarme y ganar fácilmente $30 por hora. Pero eso es sólo el comienzo.
Con los sistemas y el equipo adecuados, puedes ganar más de $9,000 por mes.
Esta guía le explica todo lo que necesita saber para empezar.
Descubra qué variaciones está dispuesto a ofrecer.
¿Quieres ofrecer diferentes colores de pintura? ¿Direcciones que brillan en la oscuridad? ¿ Logotipos del equipo local ? ¿ Banderas locales ?
No ofrezcas demasiadas opciones. Uno o dos detalles adicionales en su oferta de productos son suficientes. Su cliente potencial está tomando una decisión en una fracción de segundo sobre si decir que sí o no. No querrás que se queden atrapados decidiendo entre opciones.
Consigue suministros.
Esto es lo que necesitas:
Pintura en aerosol. Blanco y negro como mínimo, incluidos otros colores que desee ofrecer.
Plantillas. Se requieren números de dirección para pintar la acera. Consíguelos aquí.
Marcos rectangulares para el color de fondo de la dirección pintada. Puedes hacerlos tú mismo. Si está utilizando nuestras plantillas de bordillo de 4” para esto, las dimensiones recomendadas de nuestro fondo rectangular son: direcciones de 4 dígitos = 14 x 5,5 pulgadas y direcciones de 5 dígitos = 17,5 x 5,5 pulgadas.
Mascarilla de pintura para evitar inhalar vapores (recomendable, pero no necesaria).
Cepillo de alambre para limpiar el bordillo antes de instalar y manipular cualquier pintura que se corra si se sale de las líneas.
Haga sus pruebas preliminares sobre cartón, periódico viejo o algo desechable.
Calcule su precio.
Cuando dirigía mi operación de pintura de aceras, sólo unos pocos clientes se opusieron a mi precio de 10 dólares. Pero es totalmente justificable pedir 20 dólares por este servicio en 2023. Pregunte a los clientes potenciales cuánto estarían dispuestos a pagar o cuánto han pagado en el pasado. Es probable que cueste $10, $15 o $20.
Si ofrece variaciones, ¿cuánto le costarán al cliente las opciones adicionales? ¿La opción de pintura que brilla en la oscuridad cuesta $5 más que la dirección estándar?
Conozca las respuestas a estas preguntas comunes.
"¿Cuánto durará la pintura?"
La respuesta depende del tipo de pintura que compraste y de dónde se encuentra la dirección impresa. Para los bordillos que pinté, las direcciones que estuvieron expuestas a la luz solar directa se agrietaron, se desmoronaron y duraron mucho menos tiempo que las que se encuentran en un lugar sombreado. Investigue sobre su pintura específica y sus condiciones geográficas, como el clima y la temperatura. Utilice sus hallazgos para informar a los clientes potenciales.
"¿Cuál es el propósito de esto?" o "¿Por qué necesitaría esto?"
Los números de acera son muy útiles para los bomberos y el personal de emergencia. Las direcciones que están ubicadas físicamente en una casa pueden estar mal iluminadas o tapadas. Duplicar la dirección en la acera proporciona una copia de seguridad en caso de que la otra dirección no sea visible.
También se ve bien tener una dirección nueva pintada en la acera, especialmente si los vecinos tienen direcciones nuevas y/o usted tiene una dirección vieja y destartalada.
"¿Tienes permitido hacer esto?"
Investiga sobre el vecindario específico en el que te encuentras. Lo más probable es que estés bien. Vivía en una comunidad cerrada con una asociación de propietarios, que, según he oído, tiene reglas contra la pintura de aceras deshonesta, pero como mi salario promedio era de 30 dólares la hora, nadie me detenía. Sólo un chico me preguntó: “Uhh… ¿Tienes permitido hacer esto?” Murmuré algo y caminé hacia la casa de al lado. No escuché ninguna otra objeción. (Si es realmente minucioso, puede encontrar una respuesta a esa pregunta con anticipación).
"Su precio parece alto. ¿Puedo negociar el precio a la baja?"
¡No! No negocies. No vale la pena que una persona del vecindario le diga a otros clientes que redujo $5 o $10 su precio.
Crea y practica tu guión de discurso de ventas.
Presentarte. Sé amable. Si vives en el vecindario, menciona ese hecho en tu oración inicial. Sea breve, conciso y de menos de 30 segundos. La mayoría de la gente probablemente seguirá diciendo que no, por lo que cuanto menos hables, más tiempo tendrás para tocar puertas. Recuerde, es un juego de números. Más casas, más dinero.Ofrécete a hacer algunas casas gratis.
Esto le ayudará a aprender cuál es la mejor estrategia para la superficie en la que replicará los números de dirección. Tome bonitas fotografías de estas direcciones pintadas. De esa manera, si un cliente potencial no está seguro de cómo será el producto final, puedes mostrárselo. Preferiblemente, haga esto con los vecinos que conozca bien. Explíqueles que está iniciando un negocio y que lo ofrece para desarrollar su currículum y su práctica y que, por favor, no le diga a nadie que lo está haciendo gratis.
Lleve cambio y obtenga un lector de tarjetas para aceptar pagos con tarjeta.
De esta manera, podrá aceptar la mayoría de las formas de pago. “Lo siento, no tengo efectivo” ya no es una excusa válida. Si cobras $20, probablemente no habrá mucha gente entregando un billete de $100, pero nunca se sabe. Y es mejor estar preparado. Si cobra $10 o $15, probablemente estará dando cambio en la mayoría de las transacciones porque la mayoría de la gente todavía le entregará un billete de $20.
¡Empieza a caminar y tocar puertas!Lo más importante que debes recordar: no te desanimes cuando alguien te diga que no. Incluso si solo logras vender al 5% de los hogares a los que te acercas, ¡simplemente necesitas aumentar el número de puertas a las que llamas para ganar más dinero!
23 comentarios
I’m going to give this a try let me see if it works like it sounds….
Agustin Hernandez
HomeDepot sells strencils, 4’ and 6’ . I have found that customers usually like the 6’ stencils better. On the shorter 90 degree angle curbs it looks cool the way the numbers round up the curb. Most curbs I paint have a flat graded curb that follow the grade of the drive way. I find it best to use striping paint. First striping paint is made for concreter so it last longer , withstands the weather better , and is easier to use. It dries quicker, it has an upside down nozzle so you can stay straight over the stencil. When you paint it at an angle with a regular can , you’ll find that overspray will make your outcome not as neat. If you stay right on top of your stencil with a can that only sprays when pointing downward ,it’s a lot neater. I found a store that sells the reflective material that they use on the lines in the road. It’s actually crushed glass beads. After ive painted the address to my or the customers satisfaction (depending on if they are watching) I spray a clear coat and sprinkle on my reflective material. The reflective material has closed the deal on a sale more than any other thing I say. I always ask for twenty and if they are on the fence about the price ill say ill do it for ten cuz any money is better than no money, but usually ill only do the 4’ stencils. If someone complains about the last guy who painted their curb or took their money and split, I offer to do it for free. 9 times out of ten they’ll pay you anyways. Veterans I’ll paint the flag for twenty dollars. I usually ask for 40$ for a United States flag. Always have a steel brush and another sweeping brush. I use tape to paint the boarder. I use old carpet to lay over the tape to protect the concrete from overspray. I carry small brushes and spray the can into the lid to dip my brush into only for touch up….everything is spayed for the most part. Ive learned that a propane torch comes in handy if I decide to scrape and brush off the old address. ill try and post some pics.
HomeDepot sells strencils, 4’ and 6’ . I have found that customers usually like the 6’ stencils better. On the shorter 90 degree angle curbs it looks cool the way the numbers round up the curb. Most curbs I paint have a flat graded curb that follow the grade of the drive way. I find it best to use striping paint. First striping paint is made for concreter so it last longer , withstands the weather better , and is easier to use. It dries quicker, it has an upside down nozzle so you can stay straight over the stencil. When you paint it at an angle with a regular can , you’ll find that overspray will make your outcome not as neat. If you stay right on top of your stencil with a can that only sprays when pointing downward ,it’s a lot neater. I found a store that sells the reflective material that they use on the lines in the road. It’s actually crushed glass beads. After ive painted the address to my or the customers satisfaction (depending on if they are watching) I spray a clear coat and sprinkle on my reflective material. The reflective material has closed the deal on a sale more than any other thing I say. I always ask for twenty and if they are on the fence about the price ill say ill do it for ten cuz any money is better than no money, but usually ill only do the 4’ stencils. If someone complains about the last guy who painted their curb or took their money and split, I offer to do it for free. 9 times out of ten they’ll pay you anyways. Veterans I’ll paint the flag for twenty dollars. I usually ask for 40$ for a United States flag. Always have a steel brush and another sweeping brush. I use tape to paint the boarder. I use old carpet to lay over the tape to protect the concrete from overspray. I carry small brushes and spray the can into the lid to dip my brush into only for touch up….everything is spayed for the most part. Ive learned that a propane torch comes in handy if I decide to scrape and brush off the old address. ill try and post some pics.
So I guess the comments aren’t getting read properly or don’t care how a person can share their psychological cry for help, Aka “Jeremy Blair
June 26, 2023 at 8:53 am” seriously get yourself mental help with a counselor or someone who has a PhD in the sick twisted B.S. you seem to have done before with very well detailed instructions on how it’s done and what you can do
Mr. Noone
Sounds awesome. I am giving it a chance this week.
Tyrone David Smith
Where would I go about looking to see if If it’s legal in the state of Missouri what municipal area is allowed to paint addresses on curbs?
Hi, I’m located in California and was wondering if you need a permit or any legal document of any sort to get this business started.
Isabel Ordaz
Jeremy Blair, If they tell me “NO” I Will just mention THE “Jeremy Blair” TECHNIQUE to them. I’m almost positive they will say Yes.
Tracie Joy
Jeremy Blair, of they tell me “NO” I Will just mention THE “Jeremy Blair” TECHNIQUE to them. I’m almost positive they will say Yes.
Tracie Joy
How do you approach an HOA?
I’m in Indiana. I contacted my city street department and engineers. They had no problem with it as long as i didn’t put any graffiti and such. I figured i had better find out what permit if any i needed before i got into any trouble legally and they told me i was good to go and that i did not need any permit or written permission of any sort. I was thinking about having a written permission 3⁶6⁶sheet to cover my butt from the home owners that agreed to let me paint their curbs but i decide not to cause if for some weird reason they decide they don’t want their address painted on after i already have done it, I’ll just threaten their loved ones life if they wanna keep pushing forward with the crap I’ll go thru with my threats. Just kidden. I wouldn’t go thru with the threats. I’d just come back at a later date and throw total vegetation kill all over their yard so they have burnt grass for a year or two. Its important if you are forced to use this technique, you must wait min of 2.5 months after last contact so that your face and name are no longer even thought of as a suspect cause they will have forgotten you by then. So your in the clear. Anyone that objects to this technique head my warning cause my plan B is more brutal and devastating. It involves me hooking up with their wives or daughters, knocking them up, maxing out your credit cards, beating them senseless and then never calling or taking to them again. Hey it might sound a little far fetched but try me. Its been done several times before and with ease i will add.
Jeremy Blair
I have been doing this for a little over a year and I have figured out your much more likely to get customers based on as follows
-mentioning names of previous customers in there neighborhood
-when told no always respectfully accept that and ask if you can know the reason behind there denial for future reference
Personal opinion try to get your customers that seemed really interested and said yes to post a picture of the final job on facebook. Saying “_____ was going around my neighborhood painting these did a really good job! message him if you want yours done” the. include phone number.
Hi do you know much on the state laws in Nevada on this subject
I’m 69 years old and this sounds like it would be a good way to make extra cash. I’m wondering how well my back will hold up. I think I’ll start doing some back exercises a couple of weeks before I start, Do you think I should get some knee pads?
Judith Dunford
John Mertell
Hi my teenage son is interested in doing this business, and he has already done all of the research. No rules against it where we live in Virginia He’s also had some positive feedback from neighbors who he talked to prior to ordering the stencil kit to gage interest (a great first step!. So, here’s a dilemma we did not anticipate hoping to get your feedback: After practicing on cardboard a few times, my son went to paint our address on the curb in front of our house. But the curbs around here cannot accommodate a 4” number! They are too tall (or the curbs are too short). In fact they are not standard, it’s an older community and the sidewalks vary in tallness greatly. The shortest areas are probably around 2-3” But I cannot find a shorter than 4” stencil kit. Is 4” a standard? In this case, would it be better to paint the address on part of the “up” part of curb, ie next to the sidewalk rather than on the face of the curb? Out of desperation and eagerness to get started, my son ended up painting our address on the driveway today (!), but I don’t think it looks good there. And we don’t want the neighbors to see it there. So my 2nd question is do you know of anyway to remove it once painted?? Thanks!
I’m ready to start my business. I live in California what do I need to do to get started??
Valerie Wood
How to I buy the rectangle stencil?
I would be interested in stenciling numbers / I want to do it now
Hi Jake. I’ve looked into this before. Technically, this isn’t something that’s allowed because sidewalks, like streets, telephone poles, etc., are government property.
However, painting an address number on a curb is generally looked at as a helpful thing and seems to generally be accepted as “legal.” I’ve certainly never heard of anyone getting in trouble or being arrested for it. I’d say the most trouble you could probably get in was if you painted a curb in a community that was managed by a Homeowner’s Association with specific guidelines referencing how the neighborhood’s curbs should be painted.
Hi David! For your state, it looks like texas.gov has some pretty good resources with which you can get started. https://gov.texas.gov/business/page/start-a-business
Personally, when I did this business myself, I didn’t do any paperwork. If I were you, I’d make sure that there is proper demand for a a curb-painting stencil business in your area before filing any paperwork and making it official.
I’m struggling to find any laws for or against this in Arizona, do you happen to know any?
What legal documents do I need to start the curb painting business in Texas
David Uriegas
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